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For Fans, John Wayne’s Gold Handle Mugs Represent Nostalgia, Community and Family

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The Behind-the-scenes stories of John Wayne’s collectible mugs

To Michael Wayne Speck, a collector who owns over fifty John Wayne Cast and Crew Gold Handle Mugs, The Duke symbolizes his relationship to the past, his country and his family.

Speck, now 70, was first introduced to Wayne by his father. Living in Texas, they would watch Westerns like El Dorado and Big Jake together. Speck’s middle name was even inspired by the legendary actor and later on, he chose to adopt John as his confirmation name. 

Speck became interested in the Cast and Crew mugs after searching for John Wayne memorabilia on Ebay. After discovering the legacy, and history of the mugs, he began to bid for them regularly. 

“[Wayne] was incredibly loyal and grateful to those he worked with and I can’t think of anything that represents that more than these mugs,” says Speck. “Every book I have read about John Wayne is replete with his effusive nature towards his friends, crew and cast members.”

While some people collect these mugs for the appreciating value, most are just big fans of Wayne. Speck says that the majority of people he meets on collector sites are Baby Boomers who appreciate Wayne’s patriotism and charisma, as well as his movies. 

As Speck’s mug collection grew, so did his rivalry with fellow collector, Dave Rinehart. The two would enter into fierce bidding wars over the mugs on Ebay before eventually becoming close friends. The two of them met up in Rinehart’s hometown of San Diego, travelled together to clean John Wayne’s grave in Newport beach and eventually started

Collectors Michael Speck and Dave Rinehart, founders of

Collectors Michael Speck and Dave Rinehart, founders of

Speck says that no matter the price of the mugs, to him the investment is priceless.

“This is because of the people I have met and the friendships I have made due to them. At the top of the list is Dave Rinehart.” 

For people like Speck, Wayne, is an important symbol of the golden age of Hollywood. Wayne’s rugged individualism and personal brand of Americana are representative of a time that many still yearn for. 

“Every generation is nostalgic about their youth,” says Speck. “John Wayne gives me deja vu of sitting with my dad when times were simpler.” 

The enduring legacy of Wayne, whose last movie was over 50 years ago, speaks to the power of him as a cultural icon. For many, he has transcended mere Hollywood actor into an embodiment of “how things used to be”. 

A selection of John Wayne Cast & Crew Gold Handle Mugs, each commemorating a specific film with a distinctive gold-painted handle

A selection of Speck’s John Wayne Cast & Crew Gold Handle Mugs collection, each commemorating a specific film and featuring a distinctive gold-painted handle.

Among the most valuable mugs in Speck’s extensive collection include John Wayne’s actual personal mug from the movie Rooster Cogburn and the mug given to John Ford after directing the Quiet Man.

Despite this, his favorite mug is the one that his daughter made him for Christmas, complete with a gold handle. 

Michael Speck’s most cherished mug—a personalized gold-handle gift from his daughter.

Michael Speck’s most cherished mug—a personalized gold-handle gift from his daughter.

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